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Chunqi Li Biograph

Jack Li, M.D., Ph.D. is currently a Professor in Toxicology and Pharmacology at Wenzhou Medical University and Chief Scientist at Hunter Biotechnology Company. As a leading scientist in zebrafish technology and models, Dr. Li has lived in Europe and the United States for nearly 20 years and worked for the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC of the World Health Organization WHO), Massachustts Institute of Technology (MIT) and international biopharmaceutical companies. His outstanding projects on zebrafish assay platform, disease models, cancer research, toxicology and drug R & D were supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Science Foundation (NSF) and Chinese goverment.  Dr. Li has authored over 80 research and review papers in peer-reviewed professional journals including PNAS, Cancer Research, Blood, Chemical Research in Toxicology and Drug Discovery Today, and published one book and contributed to 5 book chapters.

Selected Publications (Total over 80 publications)

1.Juan Zhou, Yi-Qiao Xu, Sheng-Ya Guo, Chun-Qi Li(2015). Rapid analysis of hypolipidemic drugs in a live zebrafish assay. Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods. DOI: 10.1016/j.vascn.2014.12.002.

2.Bing Shen, Hong-Cui Liu, Wen-Bin O, Grant Eilersf, Sheng-Mei Zhoug, Fan-Guo Mengd, Chun-Qi Lic*, Yong-Quan Lia*(2015).Toxicity induced by Basic Violet 14, Direct Red 28 and Acid Red 26 in zebrafish larvae. J Appl Toxicol.  DOI: 10.1002/jat.3134.

3.Rui Yanga, Qiao-Cong Laob, Hang-Ping Yub, Yong Zhangb, Hong-Cui Liub,Lin Luana, Hui-Min Suna* and Chun-Qi Li*(2015).Tween-80 and Impurity Induce Anaphylactoid Reaction in Zebrafish. Journal of Applied Toxicology. 35(3):295-301.

4.Min Xua, Qiao-Cong Lao, Ping Zhaoc, Xiao-Yu Zhub, Hong-TaoZhua, Xu-Lu Luo, Chong-Ren Yanga, Jian-Hui Heb, Chun-Qi Li &Ying-Jun Zhanga(2014). 6′-O-Caffeoylarbutin inhibits melanogenesis in zebrafish. Natural Product Research. 28 (12): 932 – 4. 

5.Chen JB, Gao HW, Zhang YL, Zhang Y, Zhou XF, Li CQ, Gao HP(2014). Developmental Toxicity of Diclofenac and Elucidation of Gene Regulation in zebrafish (Danio rerio). SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. Sci Rep. 4:4841

6.He JH, Gao JM, Huang CJ, Li CQ*(2014). Zebrafish models for assessing developmental and reproductive toxicity. Neurotoxicol Teratol. DOI:10.1016/

7.Zhao B, Sun L, Zhang W, Wang Y, Zhu J, Zhu X, Yang L1, Li C, Zhang Z, Zhang Y(2014). Secretion of intestinal goblet cells: a novel excretion pathway of nanoparticles. Nanomedicine. 10(4):839-49. 

8.Zhou J, Guo SY, Zhang Y, Li CQ(2014). Human prokinetic drugs promote gastrointestinal motility in zebrafish. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 26(4):589-95.

9.李美娟,劳乔聪,姜永新,俞航萍,姜力,李春启,张加研,赵平(2014). 几种植物原花青素及其片段化产物的抗ROS活性评价.西部林业科学. 2014(01)99-103.

10.Li M1, Cheng R1, Liang J1, Yan H, Zhang H, Yang L, Li C, Jiao Q, Lu Z, He J, Ji J, Shen Z, Li C, Hao F, Yu H, Yao Z(2013). Mutations in POFUT1, Encoding Protein O-fucosyltransferase 1, Cause Generalized Dowling-Degos  Disease. Am J Hum Genet. 92(6):895-903.

11.Zhu JJ, Xu YQ, He JH, Yu HP, Huang CJ, Gao JM, Dong QX, Xuan YX, Li CQ*(2014). Human cardiotoxic drugs delivered by soaking and microinjection induce cardiovascular toxicity in zebrafish. Journal of Applied Toxicology. 34(2):139-48. 

12.郭殿武,周娟,唐礼可,吴耀东,彭忠华,陈汝家,张勇,李春启 (2013). 斑马鱼高血脂模型在山青之片质量控制中的应用研究.中国药品标准, 2013, 14(4):255-259.

13.陈汝家,朱俊靖,周盛梅,辛艳飞,宣尧仙,李春启(2012). 斑马鱼模型在药物毒性与安全性评价中的应用. 毒理学杂志2012, 26(3):224-228.

14.Jian-Hui He,Sheng-Ya Guo,Feng Zhu, Jun-Jing Zhu,Yun-Xiang Chen,Chang-Jiang Huang, Ji-Min Gao, Qiao-Xiang Dong, Yao-Xian Xuan, Chun-Qi Li (2012). A zebrafish phenotypic assay for assessing drug-induced hepatotoxicity. Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods,25-32.

15.Li CQ, Luo LQ, Awerman J, McGrath P.(2012). Whole Zebrafish Cytochrome P450 Assays for Assessing Drug Metabolism and Safety. Zebrafish Methods for Assessing Drug Safety and Toxicity. McGrath P(ed). Wiley Press: New Jersey; 103-115.

16.Li CQ, Luo LQ, McGrath P(2012). Zebrafish Xenotransplant Cancer Model for Drug Screening. Zebrafish Methods for Assessing Drug Safety and Toxicity. McGrath P(ed). Wiley Press: New Jersey; 219-232.

17.D’Amico L, LiCQ, Glaze E, et al. (2012). Zebrafish:a predictive model for assessing cancer drug-induced organ toxicity. Zebrafish Methods for Assessing Drug Safety and Toxicity. McGrath P(ed). Wiley Press: New Jersey; 103-115.

18.Li CQ, Seng WL, Park D, et al. (2012). Methods for assessing drug safety and toxicity. Zebrafish Methods for Assessing Drug Safety and Toxicity. McGrath P(ed). Wiley Press: New Jersey; 219-232.

19.Li CQ, Trudel LJ, Wogan GN (2009). Nitric oxide activation of keap 1/ Nrf2 signaling in human colon carcinoma cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 106: 14547-14551

20.Li CQ, Zhang GX (2008). Nanosize delivery as an emerging platform for cancer therapy (invited commentary). Cancer Biol Ther, 7: 1860-1862

21.McGrath, P., Li CQ (2008). Zebrafish: a predictive model for assessing drug-induced toxicity (invited review). Drug Discovery Today, 13:394-401 

22.Kiziltepe T, Hideshima T, Ishitsuka K, Raje N, Li CQ, Trudel LJ, Yasui H, Catley L, Otio EM, Tai YT, Chauhan D, Saavedra JE, Wogan GN, Keefer LK, Shami PJ, Anderson KC (2007). JS-K, a GST- activated nitric oxide generator, induces DNA double-strand breaks, activates DNA damage response pathways, and induces apoptosis in vitro and in vivo in human multiple myeloma cells. Blood, 110:709-718

23.Li CQ, Pang B, Kiziltepe T, Trudel LJ, Engelward BP,  Dedon PC, Wogan GN (2006). Threshold   effects of nitric oxide-induced toxicity and cellular responses in wild-type and p53-null human lymphoblastoid cells. Chem Res Toxicol, 19: 399-406 (featured in Cover Art)

24.Li CQ, Wogan GN. (2005) Nitric oxide as a modulator of apoptosis (invited review). Cancer Letters,   226: 1-15

25.Li CQ, Wright TL, Dong M, Dedon PC, Tannenbaum SR,  Wogan GN (2005). Biological role of glutathione in nitric oxide-induced toxicity in cell culture and animal models. Free Radic. Biol. Med., 39: 1489-1498 

Li CQ, Robles AI, Hanigan CL, Hofseth LJ, Trudel LJ, Harris CC, Wogan GN (2004).  Apoptotic signaling pathways induced by nitric oxide in human lymphoblastoid cells expressing wild-type or mutant p53. Cancer Research, 64: 3022-3029

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